The UCLA Engineering Class of 1959 held its 50 year reunion The invitation to the reunion was extended to all graduates of the "Boelter Generation." (Those who knew Dean Boelter and Old Friends of Engineering.) Program: Garden reception with snacks, Dinner and Presentations at the Sequoia Room, Faculty Club, May 8, 4:30 to 10:00. Welcome by Dean Richard Wesel, with insightful comments on the renaming of SEAS and progress made since the Boelter Generation. Comments by UCLA Professor Ivan Catton, from the Boelter Generation, with essays on the changes that have occurred as he lived through them. Short lecture and demonstration about wireless health by Dr. Kaiser.
Reunion Committee: 2009 Reunion Pictures Click here to view pictures from reunion. Follow up: Informal Gathering of Classmates
There were several members of our class who wanted to come to the reunion held on campus at UCLA but were unable to attend for a number of reasons. Jan Olson organized an informal gathering on Sunday, October 18, 2009. We met on his boat, the Phantom, at the Santa Monica Windjammers' Yacht Club in the afternoon and then went to dinner at the California Yacht Club later in the evening.
Click here to view pictures from the informal gathering.